Cultivating Minds Without Losing My Own

Join me on my Adventures in Elementary Education

Connecting Through Literature


This week our reading strategy we are working with is making connections with the literature we are reading.    There are 3 ways to connect with literature.  The first way is Text to Self (T2S).   When we connect with literature this way, we are recognizing that this story is similar to something that has happened in our lives.  In our read aloud Clementine, one student was able to connect to the main character always managing to get into trouble, even when she has the best of intentions.  He said, “This reminds me of the time I was trying to help my brother with his homework and the pen broke.  I got into trouble even though I was just helping!”

The second way we connect with literature is when we relate it to other books, articles, or websites we have read before.  This connection is called Text to Text (T2T).  When we read one book and the characters or situations remind us of another book we have read before we name the book and explain how they are similar.  One of the girls in my class has related Clementine to The Diary of a Wimpy Kid because it seems like the main character in each book just can’t catch a break.

The final way we connect to literature is Text to World (T2W).  When we connect in this way we are connecting what we have read to what we have seen on the news, on TV shows, or in movies.  A third student today said that our book, Clementine,reminds him of the TV show “Everyone Hates Chris” since both characters seem to end up in trouble more than not! 

Each Wednesday night, my students are asked to read their book bag book and make a connection to it.  I hope this helps parents to understand what  I am asking them to do.  Students- you are doing an AMAZING job making connections in class!  Keep up the good work tonight!

Clementine- our read aloud

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