Cultivating Minds Without Losing My Own

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What Makes a Good Citizen?


We began a new chapter in Social Studies today to delve deeper into the concept of citizenship.  We will be working on creating our definition of  citizenship this week, identifying ideal citizenship traits, and composing an essay about what makes a person a good citizen.  Take a peek at the Prezi below and review good citizenship traits with your child to help them be prepared for the rest of the week.


This essay will be our first portfolio piece for the year.  Portfolio pieces are writing samples that are written, revised, published, scored using a rubric, and placed in each students writing portfolio to be passed on the the next year’s teacher.  This year in fourth grade students are expected to compose a 5 paragraph essay with an opening, 3 paragraph body, and closing.  A link to the  rubric used to score this essay as well as more information about the NJASK  is below.

NJASK Information

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