Cultivating Minds Without Losing My Own

Join me on my Adventures in Elementary Education



Just a quick couple of updates for the beginning of this week:

The family cultural project has been changed from mandatory to extra credit.  I apologize for whatever stress this caused for your family.  Honestly, I had hoped for this to be a fun, educational project that helped students to understand that we all have histories and aspects of our culture to be celebrated.  Unfortunately, due to the number of students who were unable to gather even the most basic of information, I decided to make this an extra credit opportunity.  This will provide a helpful boost for the students who were able to gather the information and complete the project. 

We have some new substitute protocols for our classroom.  Due to the recent antics when I am unable to be in the room due to training, illness, or meetings, I had to resort to pretty drastic measures.  I met with Dr. Cook and Coach and we are all in agreement that if students earn 3 strikes for being disrespectful, unsafe, or not working when substitute teachers are present in the room or for special area teachers, they will not be able to attend or participate in Olympic Day.  All students were made aware of this on Friday and a letter was sent home to you.  Please review it, sign the bottom portion and return it with your child on Monday.  I am truly saddened that it had to come to this.  🙁

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